Our Organisation

Interserve India is a Registered Charitable Society existing since 1986, a community of followers of Christ nurturing fullness of life for all. Our work is done in partnership, alongside our community of faith and the wider society, reflecting the person of Christ in and through our lives.


Our genesis can be traced back to 1819 as a women’s movement. Our foremothers were pioneers in the fields of education, medical services, and community development in India. Their focus was on health and education for women and children. Their faith inspired them to serve and through their service reflect Christ.  Over time our foremothers have fostered several ministry initiatives that have made an impact on contemporary society. 

The legacy of the work of Interserve India lies in pre-independent India.The context of India has changed. Independence began the journey of the work in India becoming independent and in 1986 Interserve India was registered as a society with Indian National Governance and Leadership.

Interserve India is a unique entity within the worldwide fellowship of Interserve.

In the current day, Interserve India is involved in different facets of society, through the work of Partners, who use their professional skills to see Jesus Christ transform lives and communities.

Our people

Interserve India has carried on the legacy by emphasising the importance of professions in our service to the community. Interserve India has people serving across the country. They have established various projects involving education, health care and community development for providing opportunities for fullness of life to all. Interserve also continues to serve by seconding personnel to projects which serve these areas of work.

Our partnerships

Interserve India works in partnerships with the Christian community and wider society, to serve wholistically, sharing expertise and resources, learning and receiving from each other. Some of the organisations we are in partnership with are:

Our values

  • Community
  • Dependence on God
  • Integrity
  • Oneness in Christ
  • Partnership
  • Servanthood
  • Wholistic


Our involvement includes all of life and all stages of life. Our focus areas are:

    1. Community: Journeying and growing together
    2. God in all of life: Faith expressed in every area of life
    3. Partnering: Doing all we do with our faith community and wider society
    4. Marketplace: Engaging in the marketplace with integrity and faithfulness
    5. Rethinking: Reconsidering engagement in God’s world