Walk With Us

PATHFINDERS - Field Exposure trips

  • Experience life outside our comfort zones on a short field trip
  • Engage with people in the field
  • Explore, learn & grow through the experience
  • Encounter God in new ways and places
  • Encourage ways to serve the community

Short Term - OnTrackers

  • Ontrack is our short term volunteer program for 2 weeks upto 2 years
  • Opportunities to choose from a field of your expertise (Education, Healthcare, Community Development etc.)
  • Our new initiative – Remote Projects where you can join the Fellowship and participate in certain projects from anywhere in the world virtually.

Long Term - Partners

  • Professionals & workers from any discipline/ entrepreneurs etc. with the desire to serve Him in your workplace or elsewhere
  • Prepared for a long term commitment, and to be part of a community – join our Partner program


  • We believe that collaboration of our strengths and weaknesses can help us achieve greater goals together
  • With like minded institutions & organisations who are willing to journey with us to serve society